Ha hétfő, akkor 7Flow!

A hétfői nagyszünetekben idén is folytattuk 7Flow programunkat, ahová továbbra is várunk szeretettel mindenkit.

A program célja, hogy kreatív, játékos tevékenységekkel töltsük a szünetet, megismerjük jobban egymást és kikapcsolódjunk a minket körülvevő fizikai térben.

Csíkszentmihályi Mihály „flow”, azaz áramlat kifejezéssel jelölte azt a lelkiállapotot, amikor az ember teljesen elmélyül egy tevékenységben, s ez örömmel tölti el.

A programban ügyességi- és társasjátékok, activity, hímzés, minikoncertek szerepeltek eddig, és bármilyen új ötletet várunk a továbbiakra.

Zenészeket az utcazenélésre, a mini koncertekre, a zenés áhítatokra várunk szeretettel, játékokhoz játékvezetőket várunk szeretettel közösségi szolgálatra is.

Gyertek, csatlakozzatok és örüljetek velünk! J


7flow: A Weekly School Event for Fun and Friendship!

Every Monday the school community has the option to join for a special event called „7flow.” This event takes place during the lunch break and is a great way for students to unwind, socialise, and have fun after a long day of classes.

The concept of 7flow is simple yet effective. Students are invited to bring their favourite games, such as board games, card games and share them with others. They can also join in on games that other students have brought. The event is open to everyone, regardless of their grade level or interests. You may even find students or faculty with matching interests. 

One of the best things about 7flow is that it provides an opportunity for students to make new friends as well as expand their comfort zones. The casual and welcoming atmosphere of the event makes it easy for students to strike up conversations and connect with others who share their interests. As students play games together, they bond over shared experiences, which leads to developing a sense of community and belonging.

Moreover, 7flow is a great way for students to de-stress and take a break from their academic responsibilities. In the midst of a busy school week, it’s important to have a designated time for relaxation and having fun. 7flow provides that time and space, allowing students to recharge and return to their studies feeling more refreshed.

In conclusion, 7flow is a valuable weekly event that brings the school community together for fun and friendship. Whether you’re a regular or a newcomer, you’re sure to find something to enjoy at 7flow. So if you’re looking for a way to unwind and connect with others, be sure to check out 7flow on Mondays during lunch break! Hope to see you there!

Kiss Péter 12.C